I just love Saturdays. They are lazy days for me. My husband gets up with the kids so I can sleep in - one of my favorite things to do! :) Then I spend the day just lazing around, knitting, laying on the couch snuggling my kids, goofing off on the computer. I eventually make food for us all to eat. We usually end up eating breakfast for dinner - eggs or pancakes. It's great!
If I've made any sales on my handmade lotion since Tuesday, I have to go into town and go to the post office. I usually bring my three year old along, and we swing through the coffee shop on our way home to get mochas for Mama and Daddy and cookies for the boys. What better way to celebrate a sale than by spending my profits on goodies??? LOL
Then, in the evening, after the boys are in bed, I get to work on a puzzle. This is something I haven't gotten to do in three years, because it is impossible with little kids around. But for Christmas, my dad made the most beautiful wooden puzzle keeper, so now I can put the puzzle together on a felt-lined tray which slides into a storage case and I can slide the whole thing under my couch for safekeeping during the day! I am so happy!!
What do YOU do on Saturdays?? :)
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